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What is a Spiritual Energy Healer?

A spiritual energy healer is one that is able to see into the hidden aspects of their subjects and help them, much as a shaman does for their people. Healing involves all parts of us. Our physical body is, of course, the most obvious aspect. However, we also have an etheric, an emotional, a mental, and a spiritual body, known collectively as the “subtle bodies”. The deepest levels of healing happen within these subtle aspects of ourselves. Disturbances in the physical body, or those that are about to manifest there, can be seen clairvoyantly in the etheric body, a bluish grid-like pattern enveloping and overlaid on the physical body.

You are probably familiar with the concept of emotional healing. The difference between merely saying “I forgive you” to a person and truly feeling that forgiveness inside your heart is one of depth and true healing.

Our mental body holds the ‘pictures’ we carry, and is the seat of our concepts about ourselves and our reality, including illusions.

Our spiritual body is where the most profound healing takes place, as it is the highest part of our multi-dimensional existence. Spiritual energy healing occurs when the soul, or causal body, “gets” the lesson involved, and there is a feeling of deep completion. Many life experiences may have happened, just seeking this one deep understanding about ones’ self and the nature of reality. This is what a true spiritual energy healer is able to facilitate, for we cannot see ourselves with our own eye.

A true Spiritual Energy Healer session leads to the opening and balancing of the chakras. A clear reading of the chakras can tell us about the traumas and blocks that need healing and where they’re located. But when Spiritual Energy Healing occurs, the chakras will automatically align and open as the soul “gets” the lesson.