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Understanding Chakras

Understanding Chakras

This article will help in understanding the chakras and addresses commonly held misperceptions regarding opening and balancing the chakras. If you have wanted to understand the chakra system and how it works in depth, read on.

The seven-chakra system, a part of the ancient Hindu system of energetic anatomy, has become increasingly popular in modern Western culture since the 1960s. Each chakra, literally “turning wheel” from the original Sanskrit, is a dynamic energy vortex, a spiraling doorway into the very deepest aspects of our being, with each holding particular and similar aspects of our reality. Chakras transmit as well as receive energy, and they can be thought of as key portals into our deepest inner being.

Chakras are neither totally ‘open’ nor ‘closed’; they function with varying degrees of openness. I use a degree measurement system.I use the palms of both my hands held together at the thumbs to feel and display the degree of openness, and my index finger to measure the directional spin and speed, both in the overall sense, and in the etheric, emotional and mental bodies, and to feel various anomalies such as wobbles. The deeper aspects indicate the causal reality of the client and are perceived mainly through clairsentience and clairaudience, an extrasensory ‘knowing’ and ‘hearing’ that can be taught. The secondary chakras on the palms of my hands help with this, like antennae. This chakra scan is noted on paper before a session, and is a map to go in with, and is often uncannily accurate. It is possible to train a sensitive person to perceive themselves and others in this way.

You cannot energetically force a chakra ‘open’. A teacher that has attained the rare ability to awaken an aspirant’s kundalini, or life-force, energy can permanently and quickly affect a student’s chakras through higher initiations, but only when the student has been made ready through a long, deeply disciplined spiritual practice. The effect upon the chakras is simply a reflection of the change in the disciple’s consciousness, not the goal.

Except for such cases, the charka simply ‘opens’ and ‘balances’ within the system when it is ready; i.e., as it becomes appropriate to one’s healing and life path. This is key to understanding chakras. It is not a quick process but can be sped up by deep experiences that bring healing and expansion of conscious awareness to the individual, such as my session work. It should be noted that “open” and even “balanced” are physical terms, and so not exactly descriptive of this non-physical state. To me, “balanced” means aligned with the other chakras and reflecting wholeness in the inner man or woman.

Chakras open and contract from one moment to the next and day-to-day, much like the pupil of the eye. However, the baseline average degree of openness which I am measuring during the initial scan will remain close to the same through the years, without the aforementioned changes in consciousness. Directional spin changes even slower, and the deep consciousness held within the spiritual plane of the chakra, slower still. The deep aspects of the causal, or spiritual level of a person’s chakras will typically stay the same from early years throughout the entire lifetime, without some healing transformation. The change may involve deep forgiveness and the release of trauma, blockage, fear, and associated pain in all its myriad forms, or the transformation of other major energies. To think it happens through merely waving hands, pushing or pulling energy, smelling oils, or placing crystals upon them is erroneous. Really understanding chakras took a great deal of practical work with healing for me, and the knowledge keeps increasing with practice.

To effect a significant change in a chakra requires a fundamental shift at the deepest level; the spiritual, also referred to as the ‘causal’ plane. Such a change will be felt throughout the person’s life experience afterwards, which is the objective. This change can be perceived by a healer with clairvoyant vision as a cascade of energy throughout the subtle bodies; the spiritual, mental, emotional, and etheric. From the etheric, which is a bluish grid-like overlay upon the physical body, the energies we carry filter into the physical body, often causing disease. All disease carries with it an energetic component. Spiritual Energy Healing can prevent disease from manifesting into the physical body. Although my first amendment rights should allow me to discuss the healing of disease, at present I can only say that prevention is easiest.

Let’s take an improvised example.

A female client may wish to work on a block that keeps her from being able to open to her husband and to give and receive love as she wishes. She may only know that every time her husband opens up and expresses his love for her, she shuts down and subtly blocks him. Due to mirroring, she often may believe the problem lies within him. However, during my initial scan, I perceive a black wedge-shaped energy within her heart chakra connecting to a red energy with a deep yellow core held within her inner child in the second chakra, with both chakras in a fast negative spin pattern and open only around forty degrees. As I gently guide her into the heart area and help her identify the distressed energy, we may discover that as a tender little girl, she was often severely rebuffed and emotionally punished by her father because of a problem he had with the mother, one he had brought into the marriage which had nothing to do with the child. However, with no modeling of genuine love by the parents and this additional trauma, the child grows up feeling inferior and unlovable by men. Through several failed romances, the maturing young woman establishes a pattern of shutting down whenever a lover opens his deep heart to her. This is a protective mechanistic energy, but she doesn’t have any idea what’s wrong. In seeking out a partner to heal this pattern with, she marries a man with which she desperately wants to find happiness, one that has a “matching” energy; he finds her shutting down pattern incredibly painful and frustrating.

With delicate guidance, as we watch the story unfold, the woman will clearly recall the first time the energy manifested in her life, with the father. With my help, she will channel the voice of her wounded inner child longing for the deep love and acceptance, and witness the effect it has had on her relationships. She will feel the residual pain of all this in her emotional body, usually with a tearful release. We will heal this first. Finally, through Voice Dialog Process, (channeling the voice of the energy directly) an agreement is reached with the consciousness of the energy itself, which started with a yellow-colored deep fear surrounded by a red protective energy in the second chakra and connected to the black energy in her heart. Speaking directly with the inner child, and with the woman herself, Voice Dialog Process is used to release the energies, including the black energy in fourth chakra, and invoke Divine Light to fill the residual void. This is transformation at the causal (spiritual) level. The healing Divine Light is very palpable and is amplified by connection with the Mother Earth energy flowing into the base chakra. The heart is like an alchemical crucible, and there the client learns the power of forgiveness and love. After integration, the woman will find that her relationship with herself, her husband and others has dramatically changed for the better, and instead of shutting down when approached by him, will have an openness in her heart. 

In more complex cases, dialog with the higher self, various implicated relatives, both living and deceased, as well as her sub-personalities may also be needed to achieve this agreement. The energy itself has a consciousness and will wish to be liberated into its highest expression in the Divine Realm of Lights when it is recognized for the first time in its existence, given the understanding that it no longer serves a useful purpose on earth plane and may gain higher consciousness. This may sound fantastic, but I have performed this scenario hundreds of times throughout the years, keeping detailed notes of every session as I have perfected these techniques. This is true Spiritual Energy Healing, and can often be complete in just a few sessions.

Awareness moves energy

Understanding chakras

This pure focus upon the energy allows certain techniques to be used to release and transform it and bring in a beatific healing white light from above to replace the energy. The energy itself changes and turns various shapes and colors as the client watches it. Perhaps it began as a dangerous black negativity, then a red anger presented, connecting to a deeper core energy of yellow fear. As the shift occurred, perhaps a healing green or golden hue came in; sometimes purple or silver, and finally white, all of which both healer and client witness, sometimes differently. Each color and shade has a significance and quality of emotion to it, depending upon when and where it is found within the subtle inner realms of the healee. This is a real, visceral light, but esoteric in nature; not the photon light you see with your physical eyes.

There are Prahnic breathing techniques that I have discovered which are of great help in bringing in this Divine Light, cascading down from on High and into the client’s crown chakra and heart. Occasionally, it appears to the client as if they are being enveloped in a “cone” of light. The client will float in a profoundly silent but dynamic state of healing reverie, with this light infusing their heart, and finally their entire being, in a process which, although experienced routinely for since 1996, I am still seeking to comprehend on deeper levels. With some gentle guidance, forgiveness of self and others will come in, and as the eye of the heart opens and sees itself in the mirror of compassion, deep Divine Blessings may be called in. There are some prayers in ancient tongues I have discovered that seem to facilitate these Blessings and help ‘seal’ the healings. Spherical feelings of completion and Holiness can be felt in the room, along with this Divine Light and sometimes the powerful presence of divine beings, who seem to be attracted to the process. After checking in with my client’s belief system, I always begin each session with an invocation, a “knock on the door” inviting Divine Spirit, our spirit guides, the very real Angelic Realm, and the energetic presence of Divine Beings.

To return to the example…

as the lesson that the energy appeared in the woman’s life to teach her is understood on the soul level, light permeates her, and true spiritual healing takes place on the causal plane. The heart chakra will begin to undergo a deep and permanent change. The fabric of this person’s reality is now changing before my eyes, and this can be seen in the images, patterns, and symbols woven into her subtle bodies. After a few follow-up sessions, and some easy homework I will assign, the heart chakra that was opened to about forty degrees with a black wedge-shaped energy containing deep seated fear and self-hatred has become opened to ninety degrees with a sustained beautiful new feeling of acceptance for herself and her husband within it. The second chakra, seat of the inner child, will have undergone a similar transformation, as well as the third. If deep spiritual progress is desired, this process, through time and effort, can lead to clearing and further opening of the higher chakras as well. However, opening the higher chakras without clearing the lower ones first is common among spiritual aspirants, and always causes serious problems. This is basic to understanding chakras and how they work.

© 2013 – 2023 Andrew M. Williams